PhyNexus's PhyTip Columns
PhyNexus's PhyTip Columns

공지 PhyNexus ME Semi-automated protein purification system

조회수 2043

If you are looking to start automating your small scale protein preps with PhyTip columns but are unsure where to start, the PhyNexus ME system is a great choice. This system helps you get up and running the protein preps within 5 minutes using our PhyTip columns with dual flow chromatography to provide purified protein with higher concentrations than spin columns and magnetic beads. The ME system is semi-automated, needing your help only to move the pipette from one sample to the next.  If you already have a liquid handling robot, the PhyNexus ME system still provides a quick and easy platform to help you optimize conditions before increasing the throughput on your robot.

  • Obtain highly concentrated purified proteins
  • High binding affinity
  • High selectivity for different species and isotypes of antibody
  • Purify proteins in less than 15 minutes with up to 95% yields
  • Process 8 or 12 samples in parallel

ME Semi Automated Purification System. Incl 12-channel 200 μl pipette, purification SW, power supplies and accessories
ME Semi Automated Purification System. Incl 12-channel 1 ml pipette, purification SW, power supplies and accessories


PhyNexus can custom pack almost any resin into a PhyTip Column.Custom-Resin-packing-PhyTip-Columns

Common situations that may require custom packed columns:

  1. Researchers need affinity resins for different non-standard tagged protein, DNA or small molecules such as FLAG, HA and TAP-tags.
  2. Researchers using hydrophobic interaction chromatography, mixed mode resins or other resins that are suited to a particular separation program.
  3. Researchers screening many different resins to survey a particular resin brand or type.
  4. Researchers using a particular certified lot of resin.
