Interleukin-8 (IL-8), also known as CXCL8, is a widely expressed proinflammatory member of the CXC family of chemokines. IL-8 is initially produced as a precursor peptide of 99 amino acids which is cleaved into several active isoforms. In culture, a 72 amino acid peptide is the predominant form secreted by macrophages. IL-8 can be secreted by any cells with toll-like receptors that are involved in the innate immune response. In general, macrophages are the first immune cells to detect an antigen and thus are the first cells to release IL-8 to recruit leukocytes. IL-8 is also known to induce tumour resistance and blocking its activity with neutralizing or Inhibitors of its receptors (CXCR1 and CXCR2) has the potential to diminish IL-8 tumor-promoting signals.
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