e-BLOT, Touch Imager_Application Fields...
eblot covid19.pdf
1017KBDisome-seq reveals widespread ribosome collisions that promote cotranslational protein folding.pdf
3971KBProtective Effects of Fucoxanthin on Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Calcification of Heart Valve Intersti
2996KBRice Husk Silica Liquid Protects Pancreatic.pdf
기기데모 가능(요청 및 문의) : biotools@icloud.com
1, CO-immunoprecipitation(CO-IP)
2, Neurological research
3, Phosphorylated proteins
4, Plant endogenous protein/plant transgene validation
5, Organ transplantation
6, Exosome
7, Hirnforschung/Brain Science
8, Stem Cells
9, Ion Channels/Membrane Proteins
10, Gene Knockout
11, Nucleic Acid Blotting(Southern blot, Northern blot)
13, Darkroom optical film1
14, Apoptosis, cellular oxidative stress
The above list contains related fields which need our device.