Milenia GenLine HybriDetect : Universal Lateral Flow Assay Kits
Milenia GenLine HybriDetect : Universal Lateral Flow Assay Kits

공지 Milenia HybriDetect New Citation Record! Citation List Update

제품 문의 및 주문 : Milenia HybriDetect New Citation Record

HybriDetect joined the world of science in 2006 with the paper “DNA Detection Using Recombination Proteins” by Piepenburg et al., in which they presented their invention of Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (#RPA). Since then, a lot has happened!

We are pleased to announce that once again we reached a new record of annual publications where our #lateralflow product HybriDetect is cited in. 🏆

This week the 67th publication was accepted, and we can´t be even happier. A big #thankyou to all the groups who are constantly researching, cooperating and developing with us! You are amazing!

HybriDetect is a lateral flow test strip to evaluate your #PCR, #RPA, #LAMP or #CRISPR_Cas within minutes. You can find a brief summary of publications using HybriDetect and the whole citation list in our latest Blog article: