exo & nfo probes 주문 양식을 다운로드해서 사용하세요 TwistAmp RPA Kits 문의
Primers(3), Probe(1) for RPA/MIRA : 5OD : 150만원부가세별도

Designing and ordering RPA primers and probes
For designing RPA primers and probes please see our TwistAmp® assay design manual. Once you have designed your appropriate oligonucleotides you will of course need to have them synthesised.
RPA users are able to order from a variety of available oligonucleotide providers. To make things a little easier, we have supplied RPA oligonucleotide generic order forms, along with those for commonly used suppliers.
RPA assay design
Guidelines and considerations for RPA users, including general assay design, primer and probe design, optimisation and multiplexing.
exo & nfo probes 주문 양식을 다운로드해서 사용하세요 TwistAmp RPA Kits 문의
Primers(3), Probe(1) for RPA/MIRA : 5OD : 150만원부가세별도
Designing and ordering RPA primers and probes
For designing RPA primers and probes please see our TwistAmp® assay design manual. Once you have designed your appropriate oligonucleotides you will of course need to have them synthesised.
RPA users are able to order from a variety of available oligonucleotide providers. To make things a little easier, we have supplied RPA oligonucleotide generic order forms, along with those for commonly used suppliers.
RPA assay design
Guidelines and considerations for RPA users, including general assay design, primer and probe design, optimisation and multiplexing.